Basic processing in preparation of ’ Tradizioanle balsamic vinegar of Modena!
The wort boiling is undoubtedly the key step in the preparation of ’ staple of traditional balsamic vinegar, the grape must , Trebbiano the most renowned, but it could also be of Lambrusco, by Berzemino, from Spergola, by ’ Ancellota, of Saikat, ’ Cat eye of Sauvignon or dell but, must be, everyone from crops of the Modena area.

Trebbiano grape foaming
From this we get the cooked, After a slow fermentation and a following acetic fermentation, may be accrued and aging in barrels for a long time, until you become that precious nectar that many know but that, yet few, they really tasted.
The wort boiling d ’ grapes and’ a practice as old as the concept of’ “vinegar in General”. Dating back to the Romans. We find in the Georgics of Virgil, in 30 b.c.. about: “íntereá longúm * soláta labórem áut dulcís mustí cantú * Volcáno décoquit úmor(EM) ét foliís undám * trepidí despúmat äéni …“. Meanwhile, the spouse, dogged defensive display put in song in the long job, crosses with the acute shuttling the plot (= spins a Web), or bake with Volcano (= with fire) the sweet juice of wort (= prepare the mulled wine) and foam with leaves the surface of the boiling cauldron. In essence it was originally the SAPA ( by lat. “Flavor” ) now, Saba.
The final phase of wort boiling for l ’ balsamic vinegar
The objectives of the cooking are:: Sterilize the whole mass of must cooked, which then becomes fertile ground for yeast and other bacteria, concentrate the mass subjected to cooking, slow evaporation and open, increasing the density in terms of percentage of sugar – glucose and fructose, – dusk the juice through caramelization of sugars, concentrate, by highlighting them, Basic fragrances and those issued by the wood used for cooking that through the copper container are imprinted to the mass subjected to cooking.