“The quality is in the tradition”

The grape harvest,
Boiling, or cooking, of the must,

Maturation and aging,
Once the fermentation phases, in older barrels of batteries, natural transformations for the presence of enzymes that are generated, make sure that you define the typical characteristics of balsamic vinegar, the traditional, “shiny dark brown color and has distinctive fragrance, complex and penetrating and unique sweet and sour taste “. In smaller barrels then, you start the concentration and processing fluid harmonica to get the true traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena to manifest ” its density in a correct, viscosity sliding, pleasant scent in a well balanced acidity and inimitable taste aromatic, you generously full, savory with velvety nuances in accordance with its own olfactory nature “. Only years of aging will highlight the true characteristics that a patient wisdom to wait can enhance!
Sampling and decanting,
Between January and February, each year, VA backed levy to ensure the vinegar must family and transferring, ( from largest to smallest pony ), the hilling, to restore fill each barrel that makes up the battery because, If we took the smaller barrel for the family, all were affected by the constant evaporation which reduced the content of each barrel.
You must also enter new must acetified in the aging process.
The patient wisdom to know how to wait!!!
For us “Relaxing moments of escape that take us back to relaxing atmosphere of former times”.