Because the name: ” Valeri ” who now produces and promotes the traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena ’!

If we don’t have to rewrite our story is correct update that on the origins of our nickname, the “scutmai” by family: Valeri. The latest studies about families in our area, concluded in the summer of 2012, pointed out that “V” It is not a nickname but the actual name attributed to our people at the time of the Roman settlement and, maybe even then, It was customary to family use l ’ balsamic vinegar.

Historiographic research, through the analysis of recent archaeological discoveries, concluded that “gens Valeri” ( people of Valerio n.d. r. ), commonly known as “Valerius” (Valeria n.d.r. people) It would be located near what is now Magreta, in the so-called Fields Macri, between the second and first century BC.

The Roman Consul Valerius availed to Sabine troops to defeat the Etruscans and it is therefore likely that some of those people have pushed beyond the Apennines, in Cispadane area, and near a river, the current Bucket, as it was essential for a good survival.

Ceramic jewelry and equipment of various kinds with the symbol VAL have been found recently and it was determined that they were just the kilns of Valeri to produce them and then market them to the modern Middle East.

If that were the case you would have the explanation about the evolution of the name such as necessary transformation of an index of recognition for a small number of individuals become, with over one hundred generations have occurred, This large collection of families who now occupy these lands.

Archaeological Museum of Modena V.

In you made reconnaissance is flattering take note that, at least, the latest 6 generations remember the name Valeri a proven testimony of a distant origin and historically traceable to this portion of territory.

It combines the processing of the must source as an element essential to the continuation, in the centuries-old casks, our family pride: the vinegar Valeri.

From documents :

The Valeri, Balsamic root of the families in the territory of Modena

In the land inhabited by Celtic tribes before and by the ancient Romans (I° sec. BC 2nd sec. d.c.) then, such Fields Macri near Mutina, It was at the time established an ethnicity:
the gens Valerii or Valeria sabina sources that help all ’ Roman army under the Consul Claudius in 168 BC, to finally defeat the Ligurian tribes who have long funestava the land and the city of Modena.

Location of Campi Macri

The Campi Macri, According to Tajik and later archaeological discoveries made in the years 80, are located near
by Magreta: between bottom Dovecot, Gazzuoli and podere Tithing (Labate D. 1980 and Pasquinucci Parra 1983); they were landmarks for trade shows-cattle market and for furnaces that produced fine pottery and dishes that were sold up in Lydia (current Turkey).

The Campi Macri were mentioned by Strabo, Livio, Varro and Columella. Were the Centre of religious ’, annual panegyris ai Campi Macri (fair, Festival with religious connections with cults to Dionysus, Priapus, Bacchus, Silenus etc.).

Historical map of Campi Macri, Magreta (MO)

Historical impression “VAL”

The symbol VAL

In the archaeological remains of the furnace Magreta (arrays and lucerne) describing the symbol Val referring to the gens Valeri.

Demonstrating the importance of these places from commercial point, c ’ is the discovery of a Lucerne silenica Val found at Lagnasco from R in 2001.

In this land today is born l ’ traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena
In the land that produced abundant wheat, barley and millet, Pliny in Historie book XIV, CITES certain grape called Prusina who had black grape, but in the space of four years, the resulting wine drew became white.

From today’grapes of this region, they get the wort, He worked with wisdom and in time by origin “all ’ black gold of Modena“:

l’ Balsamic Vinegar Tradizionale di Modena, now famous worldwide.